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MGSU and Brest State Technical University signed Agreement of Cooperation

MGSU and Brest State Technical University signed Agreement of Cooperation

MGSU and Brest State Technical University  signed Agreement of Cooperation

On January 25, 2024 the Rector of the Brest State Technical University (BrSTU) Sergei Kasperovich piad a visit to MGSU.

MGSU was represented by the Acting Rector, Vice-Rector Taimuraz Kaitukov and Director of the branch of National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering in Mytishchi Natalia Fedorova, Head of the International Cooperation Department Olga Makarova, and associate professor of the Department of Industrial and Civil Engineering of the MGSU branch in Mytishchi Pavel Korenkov.

During the visit, Sergei Kasperovich got acquainted with the university, its infrastructure, educational, scientific and technical potential.

The main part of the visit was the signing of a cooperation agreement between MGSU and BrSTU. The Agreement is aimed at developing scientific and educational interaction, implementing educational programs for all levels of training, developing academic mobility, etc.

MGSU highly appreciates partnership with BrSTU and is looking forward to new joint projects.

© 17.05.2024 | MGSU
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