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MGSU and “Green” Construction

MGSU and “Green” Construction
Guy Eames, chair of Russian Green Building Council (RuGBC) and our good friend has visited MGSU on September 10, 2020. Issues of developing the activities of MGSU in the field of "green" building were discussed with the Dr. Valery Telichenko, honorary president and Dr. Vera Galishnikova, vice-rector.

Guy Eames paid attention that not only students but also specific construction companies, with whom RuGBC are interacted more than 10 years, are interested in education in "green" building field. For the last 4 years MGSU and RuGBC in a partnership with BRE Global have gained necessary experience and knowledge to assist universities and construction companies in training and retraining of employees in international standards.

MGSU, RuGBC and BRE Academy with the support of British Embassy in Moscow have a long-term history of creating an educational direction of environmental building in Russia, corresponding to the international level.

This year it is planned to synchronization plans for cooperation in educational, scientific and technical areas as both MGSU and BRE Global will celebrate their centenary in 2021.

© 16.05.2024 | MGSU
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